Decklist - Yusei Fudo

Monster Cards   Magic Cards   Trap Cards

Normal Monster

Effect Monster

Japanese ロードランナー
Romaji Roodorannaa
Attribute Earth
Type Winged-Beast
Level: 1
ATK/DEF 300/300
This card cannot be destroyed in battle with monsters that have an attack power of 1900 or higher.
Episode(s): 1
Bolt Hedgehog
Japanese ボルト・ヘッジホック
Romaji Boruto Hejjihokku
Attribute Earth
Type Beast
Level: 2
ATK/DEF 800/800
If you control a face-up Tuner, you can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. If this card is removed from the field after it was Special Summoned by this effect, it is removed from play.
Episode(s): ??
Speed Warrior

Japanese スピード・ウォリアー
Romaji Supiido Woriaa
Attribute Wind
Type Warrior
Level: 2
ATK/DEF 900/400
This can only be activated during the Battle Phase of the turn in which this card is successfully summoned. Double this card's original attack power until the end of the Battle Phase.
Episode(s): 1
Nitro Synchron
Japanese ニトロ・シンクロン
Romaji Nitoro Shinkuron
Attribute Fire
Type Machine - Tuner
Level: 2
ATK/DEF 300/100
When this card is sent to the Graveyard for the Synchro Summon of a "Nitro" Synchron Monster, draw 1 card.
Episode(s): ??
Junk Synchron
Japanese ジャンク・シンクロン
Romaji Janku Shinkuron
Attribute Dark
Type Warrior - Tuner
Level: 3
ATK/DEF 1300/500
When this card is successfully Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 Level 2 or lower monster in your Graveyard in face-up defense mode. Any effects of an Effect Monster Special Summoned by this effect are negated.
Episode(s): 1

Synchro Monster

Stardust Dragon
Japanese スターダスト・ドラゴン
Romaji Sutaadasuto Doragon
Attribute Wind
Type Dragon
Level: 8
ATK/DEF 2500/2000
Tuner + 1 or more Non-Tuner monster
When the effect of an Magic, Trap or Effect monster was activated, that includes "destroy card(s) on the field", by releasing this card negate the activation and destroy that card. In the End-Phase of a turn you used this effect, and this card released for the activation of this effect is in your Graveyard, you can Special Summon it to your field.
Episode(s): 1
Junk Warrior
Japanese ジャンク・ウォリアー
Romaji Janku Woriaa
Attribute Dark
Type Warrior
Level: 5
ATK/DEF 2300/1300
Junk Synchron + Non-Tuner monster
When this card is Synchro Summoned, increase the ATK of this card by the total ATK of all face-up Level 2 or lower Monster you control.
Episode(s): 1
Nitro Warrior
Japanese ニトロ・ウォリアー
Romaji Nitoro Woriaa
Attribute Fire
Type Warrior
Level: 7
ATK/DEF 2800/1800
Nitro Synchron + 1 or more Non-Tuner monster
During your turn, if you activated a Magic card, during this turns damage calculation only, increase this card's ATK by 1000 Points only once. If this card destroyed an opponent's monster by battle, you can change 1 face-up Defense Position monster your opponent controls to Attack Position and attack that monster again.
Episode(s): 1

Magic Cards

Speed Spell - Visionwind

Japanese Sp(スピードスペル)-ヴィジョンウィンド
Romaji Supiido Superu - Vijonwindo
Type Normal Magic
You can only activate this card if you have 2 or more Speed Counters. Special Summon 1 monster with a level of 2 or lower in your Graveyard. The monster Special Summoned by this effect is destroyed at the end of this turn.
Episode(s): 1

Trap Cards

Angel Lift

Japanese エンジェル・リフト
Romaji Enjeru Rifuto
Type Permanent Trap
Select 1 monster with a level of 2 or lower in your Graveyard and Special Summon it in attack mode. Once this card is no longer on the field, destroy that monster. When that monster is removed from the field, destroy this card.
Episode(s): 1
Equip Shoot

Japanese イクイップ・シュート
Romaji Ikuippu Shuuto
Type Trap Card
You can only activate this during a Battle Phase. Select 1 Equip Card equipped to a face-up attack mode monster on your side of the field plus 1 monster in face-up attack mode on your opponent's side of the field, and equip the selected Equip Card to the selected opposing monster. Afterwards, conduct battle with your monster that was previously equipped with the selected opposing monster and apply Damage Calculations.
Episode(s): 1
Scrap-Iron Scarecrow

Japanese くず鉄のかかし
Romaji Kuzutetsu No Kakashi
Type Trap Card
You can activate this when a monster on your side of the field is attacked. Negate the attack of 1 of your opponent's monsters. After activation, instead of sending this card to the Graveyard, you can place it in the Set position on your side of the field. You cannot activate this card in the turn you activate this effect.
Episode(s): 1

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's





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